Pioneer School

Pioneer School Closing Update

OCTOBER 1, 2020 — Today we were notified that an employee has tested positive for COVID-19. The employee was asymptomatic and took the test as part of a general screening. School leaders immediately notified the Ross County Health District and we are working with them closely and following their guidance.

All staff and the families of all students who came in close contact with this individual have been contacted by us and directly by the Health District as a part of COVID-19/contact tracing and were sent home. Additionally, we have made the decision to proactively close the school to limit additional exposure. We have sent out a One Call to parents and will be releasing remaining students and staff two hours early today. We will continue to follow guidance from our health officials, but at this point, our anticipated reopening date is Thursday, October 15th, 2020. Because of the setting and specific population we serve, we determined this was the best way to keep our students safe.

Parents should continue to monitor their child’s health and the health of their families for COVID-19 symptoms. Children with COVID-19 generally have mild, cold-like symptoms, such as fever, runny nose, and cough. Vomiting and diarrhea have also been reported in some children. Contact your child’s healthcare provider regarding any concerns.

People without symptoms do not need to seek care or be tested. Those who become ill should contact their healthcare provider. Their doctor, in consultation with public health officials, will determine appropriate care and whether testing is necessary. If your child has been exposed to or diagnosed with COVID-19, please report this to your school. This information will be kept confidential.

As we have shared with you in our regular family communications, we should expect positive COVID-19 cases as long as the virus is present in our community. We planned for this likelihood before the school year. We will continue to operate in close collaboration with local health officials and in regular communication with our families. Pioneer School is committed to maintaining the safety of our students and staff during this pandemic.

If you have any school-related questions, please contact the Pioneer School at 740-773-2165. Any other media related questions, contact Community Outreach Director Courtney Lewis at