Adaptive Gaming with All Access Life

23mar10:30 am11:30 amAdaptive Gaming with All Access Life

Event Details

Bradley was born with nonverbal spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy, but he never lets it hold him back from living life to the fullest. What started out as a job for Daniel at the age of 19, working as Brad’s full-time aide while he attended high school, has turned into a journey neither of them would have ever expected. Over the years they’ve built a very unique and everlasting friendship. A decade later, they are still attached at the hips! Daniel and Bradley are now using their unique journey and experiences with adaptive products and assistive technologies to help others with disabilities through their nonprofit, All Access Life.

Since Bradley is nonverbal, they have their own way of communicating with his eye movements and body gestures. However, Bradley also uses assistive technology to communicate and live life to the fullest. He has a Tobii PCEye Tracker paired with a Surface Book 3 laptop mounted to his wheelchair by an Ideas FIL mount.

Over the years Daniel and Bradley have seen the amazing effects technology has had on Brad’s life. They’ve noticed how fast adaptive products and assistive technologies come and go, making it difficult to keep up with the current (sometimes superior) gadgets. The goal of All Access Life is to create a website that showcases the latest trends and movements in adaptive products and assistive technologies.



March 23, 2022 10:30 am - 11:30 am(GMT-05:00)

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