Job Title: Pioneer School Instructor
Pioneer Employee since: August 2021

Tell us a little about yourself.
I was born in Maryland and have lived in Virginia, West Virginia, and now Ohio. I currently live with my boyfriend of 4 years and our two cats, Harley and Big Block (boyfriend is a mechanic, so they got mechanical names)! This is my 4th year teaching in total and my first year in Ohio. The other years were completed in West Virginia.
What was one of your first/most memorable jobs growing up?
So, living on a backcountry road, I had many jobs ranging from snow removal on a 4-wheeler to babysitting. The most memorable job I ever had was caring for and removing trees/limbs/roots for one of my neighbors who had two horses. I was in charge every day, once off the school bus or in the morning on the weekends, to feed, water, bathe (if needed), and then work for two hours fixing up their pasture. This went on for about a year until that family moved away, but it was an amazing opportunity!
What would you say is one of your best traits?
I am always honest, even if you don’t like the answer.
What is your favorite book/movie/TV show?
Book: The Glass Castle, Movie: Avatar, TV Show: Grey’s Anatomy
What’s one of your favorite things to do in your free time?
I love spending time outside! Whether that is hunting, wood-burning, geocaching, hiking, or anything else I can get myself into, I love outside.
Who has been an influential person in your life and why?
My father. My father has worked numerous jobs through his military career, beat the auto-immune disorder Guillain-Barré Syndrome, which required him to relearn how to walk, run, and regain mobility in his lower extremities, THEN continued to work and support his family. He was my soccer coach for well over 10 years when he didn’t have to be. He is honest and will let you know when you have done well, but yet tell you when you need to improve. He is someone who will go the extra mile for you and someone I strive to be like every day!

Where is the best place you’ve traveled to and why?
Ireland or Scotland. They have such a calm and relaxed way of living there. They just do what they need to do, but do not complain about it. It honestly reminds me of what it might have been like in the early years of America. They have deep ties to their family roots and it means something to them. The landscape there is absolutely breathtaking and I would recommend anyone to go there.
What’s one thing you couldn’t live without?
Support from my friends and family. Without that, I would be nowhere.
Tell us something that most people don’t know about you.
I have two different color eyes (left blue, right green)
I was supposed to live in Panama, but never got to go due to Sept. 11
I have donated my hair for about the past 2 years to Wigs for Kids
What is one of your favorite things about working at Pioneer School?
The support you get from everyone. If you ever need anything, all you have to do is ask and they will help you find the answer or give you the answer.