Contact Us
To report a Health or Safety concern or Major Unusual incident (MUI), please contact the Service & Support Administration office at 740-775-7044.
For information about eligibility and referral of our services, please email Stacey Russell, Intake Coordinator: srussell@rossdd.org.
For community relations and media inquires, please email Lacey Derexson, Community Outreach Director: lderexson@rossdd.org.
If you are a provider and have a question or issue, please email Greg Williamson, Director of Residential Services: gwilliamson@rossdd.org
For all other inquiries, please email: info@rossdd.org
Please be sensitive to confidential information when you are emailing. Do not email a person's identifiable information, diagnosis, address, or other health record information to our general info@rossdd.org email address.
If you are looking for a staff member's information, click here to view our Staff Directory.
Our Locations
Administration Office
167 West Main Street
Chillicothe, OH 45601
p: 740-773-8044
f: 740-773-8052
Service and Support Administration
167 West Main Street
Chillicothe, OH 45601
p: 740-775-7044
f: 740-775-7236
Pioneer School
11268 County Road 550
Chillicothe, OH 45601
p: 740-773-2165
f: 740-775-0515
Preschool Services
841 East Main Street
Chillicothe, OH 45601
p: 740-773-2638
f: 740-774-9480